أكثر من ألف مدني ممن تحتجزهم المليشيات الكردية الانفصالية في مخيم السد بريف الحسكة الجنوبي يعانون من ظروف إنسانية صعبة للغاية، لعدم توفر الخيام لهم وغياب المنظمات الإغاثية.
More than a thousand civilians who are being held by the Kurdish separatist militias in the southern dam camp Brive Hasaka suffering from very difficult humanitarian conditions, the lack of tents for them and the absence of relief organizations.
Most of the displaced are sleeping in the open amid low degrees, especially in the night hours of heat.
This is holding most of the Kurdish militias fleeing from Deir al-Zour in several communities Brive Hasaka, and confiscated their papers and prevent them from completing their way Hasaka or liberated areas